Monday, November 23, 2009

The Blog Of Quynn

Hello, bloggers!
Yet again, it is Bailey Vannil with her secret adventures in life.
Today was okay. A typical Monday. Tired, hungry, and a crime....
Tired, because I read all night,
Hungry, because I- Well, I don't know why, I'm always hungry.
And, the best- A new fresh Crime , the name that I make sure to capitalize because it seems like something so common in my life of Vannil.
Today I was just walking by the local market, a harmless place. The only place of which I'm allowed to go after school. And I saw a bench. I had time left before I had to go back home, so I sat down; put my headphones on my ears, and started blasting up my iPod, and reading the class book: Jane Eyre. Soon, a man came up and sat next to me on the bench. I didn't mind him, he wasn't bothering me or anything. It was a quiet day at the market, which was odd, because the candy shoppe that was right behind the bench was always loud and noisy with childish kids begging for free candy. But, today the kids were gone, and the sweet man: Mr.Topp who owned that shoppe had closed the store for today. Odd. It was May, no holidays were near and May day was far behind. After about 10 or 15 minutes a dog came up. An ugly thing. Droopy and wet..Stinky. I rubbed it's cheek with the back of my hand, and the man sitting next to me gave me dirty looks from the corner of his eye. I shrugged it off. My iPod died, but I wasn't ready to go, I was almost done with my book, and the oldie headphones were keeping my ears warm, so I decided to stay, and keep the headphones on so my ears would not get chilled.. The man next to me started talking, for a minute I thought he was crazy, not like 'oh, you're crazy!' but like 'You talk to you-self-in-a-odd-way' crazy. Until I saw a blue-tooth in his ear. What has technology come to? I learned to annoy his voice, and concentrate on the end of my book, until I hear something of what he said that startled me "Yeah, I got the droopy eyed dog, only problem is the gal sitting next to me, don't know what to do, she'll catch onto something, soon. But for now she's listening to that stupid iPod, thingy, sucky thing,"
My eyes zinged up and I remembered my head set on my ears, thank god, he thought I couldn't hear him!
He continued "Hey, how's that Topp guy? Get a taste of his own drug? Heh-heh. Joke"
"Yeah, I know-People will start to wonder, it's quiet over here, strange eh'?
" I know! We didn't mean to! It was for, ya know. The unspeakable."
The man sighed; rolled his eyes, and heh-hehed some more...
I tried to connect the pieces.
-Man maybe a killer?
-Had Mr.Topp the candy man?
-Wants what?
-Who's the 'unspeakable'?
The guy mentioned the name Eva a lot. So I guessed the unspeakable was Eva.
Man has a problem with Mr.Topp, but- He said that it was NOT meant for him, but for 'Eva'
What's his problem with Eva, poor girl.
The dog that stench has grown to me was laying at my feet, chewing on a piece of paper,
the man started to talk again, but not the the blue-tooth but to the the dog,
"God, boy! Go, go! Give me that! You gonna get us caught. That's our game plan, babe!"
Right as the man went to pick up the paper, I slammed my foot on the paper, and casually picked it up, it was damp and wobbly. The man sat with his mouth a O but said nothing. I read the page, and then the man spoke up.
"Excuse me Ginger," he smiled a cold smile.
"Mine" he tilted his head, and gave his hand out.
"Not done yet,"
"Violet" I added, also tilting my head
When I was done reading it was not much help. Told me the plan was, but not why the plan was.
Here it went.
The man, whose name was not mentioned had a problem with this girl he liked, big deal, not her fault, he was a creep- following her everywhere-
So he had an idea, not such a bright one though.
Every day she would go the Mr.Topp's shoppe and buy a Snickers candy bar, he was mad crazy, so he had a thought, he would poison the bar with some time of unpronounceable poison.
Good idea until he realized that considering the amount of crazy kids in the store, one would be likely to by the bar, and die.
So he and his partner kidnapped Mr.Topp and the kids, waiting for Eva to go and buy the bar.
Good idea, again. Until he realized that Eva, though not liking him, which in his mind was crazy, was actually smart and kind. And would not steal a simple candy bar....

Every one turned out okay, and the boys went to jail for stupidity and, well- crime, and count of death.
Tune in next week for a new adventure with Bailey Vannil and my secret life.

1 comment:

  1. How are all your stories true? rofl I only believe one of them, well, I don't really, but it makes some sense... lol ;)
