Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Blog Of Quynn

Hello, Bloggers.
I first off want to say a Happy Thanks giving, this year I am thankful for so much in my life, mostly my family, who is so kind for letting me use their computer to run Bailey Vannil: The Blog Of Quynn.
I've never taken up the sport of knitting. It's for old people I always thought, I don't think that anymore. I now take knitting lessons everyday. Knitting is my martial arts... A old woman sat in her rocking chair on a early November 25 morning, with a window stuck open, she sat rocking back and forth, and knitting a woolen sweater for her grandchildren for Christmas.
"Clack, Clack" Went the woman's foot-long needles banging together, connecting green, red, and white colors in vertical lines.
Now let me get this straight. This is a 70 something year old Grannie. Not harmful, like I said, a Grannie! Someone's Grannie!
But as the poor old woman was knitting, she heard a noise, coming from her apartment fire excape, a clacking noise, almost identical to her knitting needles. But, the woman was old for god's sake; so she shrugged it off, and assumed that it was her hearing aid acting up!
The woman soon dozed of, not really asleep, but not really paying attention to was was happening.
Soon, the old woman startled by an odd feeling on her shoulder quickly grabed her knitting needles, but was stuck with a feeling of complete and utter pain in her head; seeing a young man ripping her hear off her head, Grannie has taken some lessons in self defence in the 7th grade, but she didn't remember anything, anymore. But, Grannie out-smarted the man, twisted around; took her golden knitting needle and stabbed him..In the chest, not meaning to, the eye would do.
The man moaned in pain...
"I just wanted the wig.. And the CD player" Grannie's eyes moved down to his arms, full with movies and usless electronics.
"Oh, dear goodness!" The woman gasped, but even as harmless and 'sweet' as the Grannie was, in her little mind she still thought: "Outa teach him right! This is 100% real hair; as been sense day one, til day......25,550!"
Grannie rushed the man to the E.R but still sued him for breaking and entering, pulling her hair, and calling her hair fake. And, even though Grannie stabbed the man in the chest, almost killing him, she still won..
The man did not die, however had to get oh-so-many stiches in his chest, and give a couple thousand dollars to Grannie, who now had enough money to call the apartment managment, and ask them to un-stuck her window, so no more stealers could break into her pecan smelling house and try stealing her 'wig' which in actuallyity was not a wig, and electrionics, but she didn't care about those.
Grannie, a dear friend of me advised ME and YOU to no longer judge knitting as a old lady sport, but as self defence, a martail arts of some sort.
-Bailey Vannil
Tune in tomorrow for another adventure with Bailey Vannil, The Blog Of Quynn.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Blog Of Quynn

Hello, Bloggers,
Today was not a normal day...
And considering all my days in life seem to be normal, with crime.. Today was not.
I'm not saying that there was no crime today, there was.. The only problem was that it was actually kind of hard trying to figure out what the crime was, and how it was!!
It's kind of hazy, but this is how it went.
Today I was walking by the Saint Clarence Bank by my hometown to deposit a check I had revised for a Thanks Giving present.
But as I was climbing the bank steps is reached a sign that said the was closed for the day, and that it was Sunday... Closed for church people.
I was so confused.. Today was Saturday. Right? Well, I mean, like, yesterday was Friday, and we had school Friday; and Saturday is after Friday...!? I had thought I lost my mind.
But maybe it wasn't me who was losing my mind I thought, but another criminal! I was exited.. But hungry. And even though it seems like there's a crime to solve everyday, it has become so common in my lifestyle, I've almost forgot about it.
So, even though I have really no clues, nor know if this is a crime, or what the crime was.. I glued the pieces together.
-Criminal wants to MESS with my mind
So far, that's all that I have.. It seems reasonable.
I think I might just have my hopes up, and as I said. I'm desperately hungry. And, that's probably causing me to not think clearly.
I quickly got something to eat at the local daily-A turkey and cheese sandwich, and even though I'm a vegetarian, Mom says that turkey and cheese get your brain running like a mouse on a wheel. Or something like that.
After eating, I starting rationally considering the situation. And came up with this.
-Just because I says that it's Sunday and the bank is closed... It doesn't mean that it closed for Sunday church, right? And just 'cause I run in with a crime almost everyday, it doesn't mean that I have to run in with a crime everyday, you know? And, my hometown can be a safe place once in a while. And it's not like any murders have every happened.. Just people trying to commit a successful crime, but have never became successful in the end.
So I waited, and waited. And I waited so long that I thought about calling quits, which I never do. But, just before I was going to walk home I saw something, something odd. At first I thought it was just another woman depositing a check, and like me didn't know that the bank was closed. Until I saw something odd. She didn't sigh and walk away. She clearly saw the sign, but ignored it! Turned her head side to side, like a toddler crossing the road. Took a key out of her pocket and jammed it into a keyhole that was the cross line from outside, and the bank. The bank where no one was, the bank that held money. The bank that the woman in the black cloke had a key to.
I was afraid, confused, and a little spited.
But, I followed my heart and walked up to the black-cloked-woman, tapping her shoulder, and asking her this-
"Excuse me, who are you?" I smiled sweetly,
The cloked woman pursed her lips and said this "Well, whom do you think I am?"
"Well, that would be 'Who do you think I am'" I corrected her,
"And I'm not sure who you are, but I know that you don't have legal permission to this bank" I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and preceded to call the cops.
"And now I think you're the woman who's going to do some time" I smirked, as the police cop's car pulled up to the curb, and walked over to the bank steps, hand cuffing the woman.
Now, you all are probably wondering what this woman was doing here.
Well, this is how it happened.
The woman whoms, I mean WHOSE name will not be mentioned had an idea, she would somehow trick EVERYONE including that bank managers that it was Sunday, and they needed to close the bank for church. They believed her.
She got a key from a friend who worked at the bank that opened the door's lock.
When the bank closed for Sunday church she would come and break into the bank and steal 'some' money, thinking that everyone would be gone, at church, or not bothering to go to bank, thinking that it was Sunday, and that the bank was closed for th day.
The woman, like many others in my town was not successful in her 'day of crime' and was caught, sentenced to jail, and possibly a couple months in jail..

Tune in tomorrow for a new adventure with Bailey Vannil.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Blog Of Quynn

Hello, bloggers!
Yet again, it is Bailey Vannil with her secret adventures in life.
Today was okay. A typical Monday. Tired, hungry, and a crime....
Tired, because I read all night,
Hungry, because I- Well, I don't know why, I'm always hungry.
And, the best- A new fresh Crime , the name that I make sure to capitalize because it seems like something so common in my life of Vannil.
Today I was just walking by the local market, a harmless place. The only place of which I'm allowed to go after school. And I saw a bench. I had time left before I had to go back home, so I sat down; put my headphones on my ears, and started blasting up my iPod, and reading the class book: Jane Eyre. Soon, a man came up and sat next to me on the bench. I didn't mind him, he wasn't bothering me or anything. It was a quiet day at the market, which was odd, because the candy shoppe that was right behind the bench was always loud and noisy with childish kids begging for free candy. But, today the kids were gone, and the sweet man: Mr.Topp who owned that shoppe had closed the store for today. Odd. It was May, no holidays were near and May day was far behind. After about 10 or 15 minutes a dog came up. An ugly thing. Droopy and wet..Stinky. I rubbed it's cheek with the back of my hand, and the man sitting next to me gave me dirty looks from the corner of his eye. I shrugged it off. My iPod died, but I wasn't ready to go, I was almost done with my book, and the oldie headphones were keeping my ears warm, so I decided to stay, and keep the headphones on so my ears would not get chilled.. The man next to me started talking, for a minute I thought he was crazy, not like 'oh, you're crazy!' but like 'You talk to you-self-in-a-odd-way' crazy. Until I saw a blue-tooth in his ear. What has technology come to? I learned to annoy his voice, and concentrate on the end of my book, until I hear something of what he said that startled me "Yeah, I got the droopy eyed dog, only problem is the gal sitting next to me, don't know what to do, she'll catch onto something, soon. But for now she's listening to that stupid iPod, thingy, sucky thing,"
My eyes zinged up and I remembered my head set on my ears, thank god, he thought I couldn't hear him!
He continued "Hey, how's that Topp guy? Get a taste of his own drug? Heh-heh. Joke"
"Yeah, I know-People will start to wonder, it's quiet over here, strange eh'?
" I know! We didn't mean to! It was for, ya know. The unspeakable."
The man sighed; rolled his eyes, and heh-hehed some more...
I tried to connect the pieces.
-Man maybe a killer?
-Had Mr.Topp the candy man?
-Wants what?
-Who's the 'unspeakable'?
The guy mentioned the name Eva a lot. So I guessed the unspeakable was Eva.
Man has a problem with Mr.Topp, but- He said that it was NOT meant for him, but for 'Eva'
What's his problem with Eva, poor girl.
The dog that stench has grown to me was laying at my feet, chewing on a piece of paper,
the man started to talk again, but not the the blue-tooth but to the the dog,
"God, boy! Go, go! Give me that! You gonna get us caught. That's our game plan, babe!"
Right as the man went to pick up the paper, I slammed my foot on the paper, and casually picked it up, it was damp and wobbly. The man sat with his mouth a O but said nothing. I read the page, and then the man spoke up.
"Excuse me Ginger," he smiled a cold smile.
"Mine" he tilted his head, and gave his hand out.
"Not done yet,"
"Violet" I added, also tilting my head
When I was done reading it was not much help. Told me the plan was, but not why the plan was.
Here it went.
The man, whose name was not mentioned had a problem with this girl he liked, big deal, not her fault, he was a creep- following her everywhere-
So he had an idea, not such a bright one though.
Every day she would go the Mr.Topp's shoppe and buy a Snickers candy bar, he was mad crazy, so he had a thought, he would poison the bar with some time of unpronounceable poison.
Good idea until he realized that considering the amount of crazy kids in the store, one would be likely to by the bar, and die.
So he and his partner kidnapped Mr.Topp and the kids, waiting for Eva to go and buy the bar.
Good idea, again. Until he realized that Eva, though not liking him, which in his mind was crazy, was actually smart and kind. And would not steal a simple candy bar....

Every one turned out okay, and the boys went to jail for stupidity and, well- crime, and count of death.
Tune in next week for a new adventure with Bailey Vannil and my secret life.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Blog Of Quynn

Hi, all. You may know me as Bailey Vannil. Or the owner of The Blog Of Quynn. Or the newbie of the site. But, that's not all that I am. I'm probably the only person in the world with the last name Vannil, and probably the thousandth person with the name Bailey...And a new Aeropostale fan.
My newest blog: 'The Blog Of Quynn' is my latest blog of super-realism, my fake life.
No, my name is not Bailey Vannil.
And I will not tell you my name until a while.
Read on for daily posts of my fake life with Bailey Vannil.

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Dearest, Bailey Vannil.