Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Blog Of Quynn

Hello Bloggers!
When one says the lamp once fades you know bad news is ahead...
So when Bailey Vannil was walking with her Best friend since Kindergarten she pretended that she was a normal girl, and even though she had known her best friend for almost forever, Bailey had never sought her friend in her life of following crime, a sort of Clark Kent character, she thought... Bailey nervously clomped down the road, worried that crime would soon catch up, it always had.
So she was surprised when after chatting and walking with her friend for almost an hour no crime of any sort had caught her eye. Before this would be some sort of relief to Bailey, but now it just worried her. This had never happened before... She has never had a day pass without witnessing and solving a crime...And even though she loved chatting with Amy, her friend, she also loved being a sleuth...
And so I guess you have to be careful for what you wish for, because just one hour later, finishing up her walk with Amy, crime tugged on that neatly pulled up ponytail Bailey's Mom had done for her...
Because soon Bailey had figured that the crime was following her all along, because that crime was her friend, Amy......

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why hello, hello, bloggers!
Bailey Vannil here! I first want to say that The Blog Of Quynn daily posts are back!
Expect to see daily, new entries of Bailey Vannil's encounters with mystery!
I also want to say that I have set a goal for myself/for The Blog Of Quynn that I will get 15 subscribers by the end of March!!!
Please tell all your friends about it!
Bailey Vannil!

Monday, March 15, 2010


"The Converse Freak"

You know it's her, Sammie when you see her walking down the street in her ELECTRIC BLUE CONVERSE. You also know it's Sammie

when you see her reading the clasical adventures of Alice in Wonderland. And you might possiably know it's Sammie when you see her writing in her daily blog on blogger, or see her playing games on FaceBook. There are many place that you can see Sammie at, and there are many things you may see Sammie doing. But those are just a few.

She has a common phobia of spiders and is mildly claustrophobic,

And a million dreams; of which I know I can only do half of them.

As much as I would like to admit, she has a tendincy to think in the future and not in the present. And to talk about herself in the 3 person.

She was born with red hair, which then as a baby was dyed blonde by the sun, and now-a-days has natruly dyed Brown without any hair dyes of any sort. She was born in Pueblo, Colorado, and loves it there.

She has many friends, of which she has known sense kindergarden, although some ( two ) have moved a way, they still keep in touch by their hearts..And E-Mail.

She is single. And is fine with it.

Brains are for GEEKS

Fashion is for Trend Setters.

The color green is for Irish People

Converse are for Laid Back People

And ankle braces are for GYMNASTS

And of all those colored words above. I'm all of them.

Want fantastic impact full stories of my secret life with my secret other, Bailey Vannil on the Blog Of Quynn

Visit our blog-The BlogOf Quynn


See you there,


"Everyday is a reincarnation, because everyday you're a different person"


(Something I made on a site called Stardoll)

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Banner!

Hello bloggers!
I am making a new banner for The Blog Of Quynn, and it will be beautiful!
I'm hoping this new appearance will attract more people. But I cannot do all of this on my own!
Can you pretty, pretty, pretty please invite your friends to The Blog Of Quynn. Because it seems like Bailey Vannil is going though a little bit of a dry season!
Thanks again!